Monday, June 25, 2012

"Implementation of home study"

                             Implementation of home study

          We are not favor in this issue of implementing home study using websites because this can lessen the ability of every student to learn. Even if we are living in the age of technology, studying and using different gadgets is not impossible. But discussions in classrooms with teachers and also with other students are more understandable and more reliable. It’s because students can interact with others and speak and show what’s on their mind. And another thing it is hard to understand the lesson particularly in subjects that using calculations and analyzing problems.
          Nowadays, the students are not interested in studying in classrooms because some says it’s boring but for us if we are going to take the home study, it may result in tardiness of students affecting their studies. It can also cause for them to dependent on technology only and ignore using traditional books. This can also give them the idea of not doing their homework by themselves and will always do the habit of copying and pasting through the use of internet.
          So therefore, our group concludes that having home study is not a bright idea. Even if it helps our country to become more civilized and systematic, it can cause improper knowledge to student’s minds.

"Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking Sites"

"Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking Sites"


    1.) People use social networking sites to communicate with their friends and love ones even if they are far from each other.
    2.) Some use this to interact and socialize with other people.
    3.) Can be use for some emergency cases.
    4.) You can get daily updates and information in our society.
    5.) It is use as an alternative source of entertainment as well.


    1.) Some people use it to do unlawful and criminal acts such as scamming, hacking and other things.
    2.) Others also use this to give malicious comments and do prank jokes for their self-satisfaction.
    3.) People lacking self-discipline over use it resulting in time consuming.
    4.) Using social networking sites can violate others privacy.
    5.) Can affect studies of some students because they addicted in using it.